Specialized Support

Secqoia and CPT have the necessary resources and knowhow to provide specialized support to Cyprus Investment Firms (CIFs) and to Investment Firms (IFs), related to the following:

  • CETE – Compliance Enquiries Through Emails –Ad-hoc, Urgent Email Support related to Compliance or Anti-Money Laundering Compliance (issues of high importance).
  • Preparation and Documentation of Customized Internal Policies and Procedures in accordance with legal requirements and with Client-specific requirements and needs.
  • Drafting of KIIDs (Key Investor Information Documents)
  • Drafting of forms related to daily operational issues, based on Client-specific requirements and needs and in accordance with applicable legislation, including but not limited to the following:
    • KYC – Client Acceptance Forms
    • Individual Account Opening Forms
    • Corporate Account Opening Forms
    • Joint Account Opening Forms
    • Internal Transfer Forms
    • Beneficiary Forms
    • Letters of Direction
    • Powers of Attorney
    • Partnership (Business Introducers) Agreements
  • Drafting of MiFID II required documentation, including but not limited to the following:
    • Client Agreements
    • Risk Disclosures
    • Terms and Conditions of Business
    • Documentation related to Safety of Client Funds and Investors Compensation Fund (ICF)
    • Best Execution Policies
    • Documentation related to Client Categorization
    • Conflicts of Interest Policies
    • Complaint Handling Policies
  • Drafting of Privacy Policies.
  • Locating fit and proper directors, quality senior management and qualified personnel.
  • Drafting of Specialized Employment Agreements.
  • Special investigations and due diligence of processes and procedures.
  • Structuring of Legal Documentation of any kind.

Despite the fact that our prices are, most probably, the best in the industry, we are committed to provide you with a beneficial counteroffer in case you receive a better offer from any other firm.

For more information and to receive a preliminary quotation, please feel free to contact us.