CRS Reporting

The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information, developed by the OECD in response to the G20 request, is an Automatic Exchange of Information regime between participating jurisdictions. It imposes compliance requirements on financial institutions (FI), including identification of account holders through the application of due diligence procedures and reporting of financial information to the relevant authorities, which in turn exchange the information with the relevant partner jurisdictions within their exchange network on an annual basis.

Secqoia offers accurate and timely preparation and submission (where possible) of CRS forms based on information provided by the client. CRS Reports are constructed uniformly, based on the jurisdiction-relevant and up-to-date reporting xml scheme.

Despite the fact that our pricing is, most probably, the best in the industry, we are committed to provide you with a beneficial counteroffer in case you receive a better offer from any other firm.

For more information and to receive a preliminary quotation, please feel free to contact us.