Providing quality financial advisory

Registration & Licensing

Set-up your investment firm, regulated fund, fund management company, payment or electronic money institution in or outside European Union.

Regulatory Compliance

Secure continuous upholding of all your regulatory obligations; prepare and submit reports accurately and timely and never miss a deadline.

Consulting & Advisory

Do not be discouraged by ever-increasing complexity in conducting business; we are here to advise on all operational, management and legal matters.

How we work for you

We have created and maintain an alliance of business associates specialized in different business areas. Members of our alliance  share similar levels of competence, uphold identical core values and offer their services under the same code of ethics. Through such alliance we have the ability to offer specialized and customized business services to international clients.

Get in touch

Send us your general or specific inquiry by completing and submitting our online contact form or give us a call.

Free personal consultation

We will examine your inquiry, get in touch and present a comprehensive solution, custom-made to suit your needs.

Signing the engagement

Following agreement of scope of work and services to be rendered we will proceed in signing a mutually beneficial agreement.

What happens next?

We will establish contact with your appointed contact person(s). The engagement team will commence the provision of services upon signing of the relevant agreement, in accordance with clearly agreed terms and conditions and under strict confidentiality.

You are ready to begin enjoying our unparalleled level of service.

Maintaining contact

The nature of our services dictates continuous and efficient communication between the service provider and the client. Such level of communication is of paramount importance for the purpose of handling important ad hoc matters that will definitely arise from time to time.

To this end, we have established a hotline through which clients can reach out to us 24/5.

We are the best reviewed Financial Advisory Firm in Cyprus.

If you wish to be served by the finest financial advisory firm on the island don’t lose more time.

Areas of expertise

We specialize in Registration and Licensing of Financial Institutions, Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management, Consulting/Advisory, Specialized Support and Executive Training whilst we also offer supplementary services in the areas of Accounting/Audit/Tax, HR & Immigration and services related to the Registrar of Companies, the Land Registry and other governmental agencies.

Registration & Licensing

Set-up your investment firm, regulated fund, fund management company, payment or electronic money institution in or outside European Union.

Regulatory Compliance

Secure continuous upholding of all your regulatory obligations; prepare and submit reports accurately and timely and never miss a deadline.

Regulatory Risk Management

Establish a true risk management culture; monitor and manage risks to which you are exposed whilst covering your risk management related reporting obligations.

Consulting & Advisory

Do not be discouraged by ever-increasing complexity in conducting business; we are here to advise on all operational, management and legal matters.

Specialized Support

Offer regulated investment services within EEA; we will make sure that all contractual agreements signed with clients are in full conformity with applicable legislation.

Executive Training

Uphold your continuous professional training obligations and cover your in-house training needs; our specialized professional instructors are here to assist.

Accounting, Audit, Tax

Make sure all transactions are recorded accurately, ensure quality audit and be confident that all tax related obligations (submissions and payments) are honored.

HR & Immigration

Rest assured you are hiring the industry’s best whilst all required procedures (social insurance, immigration, tax) are implemented in no time.

Registrar, Land Registry & Other

Complete any procedure relevant to the registrar of companies in Cyprus, certify signatures, secure apostilled documents, finalize property transfers etc.


Entities served


Years of combined management experience


Availability & Support


Licensing success rate