Accounting, Audit, Tax

The Competent Professionals Team (CPT) of Secqoia can help you with the following:

Accounting & payroll

We offer complete accountancy services for local and international companies. The services provided include maintenance of general ledger, daily and/or weekly and/or monthly reconciliations of debtors, creditors and balances with credit/other financial institutions and preparation of annual statutory financial statements under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Our payroll services in Cyprus cover the following:

  • Data collection & payroll calculation: Accurate calculation (following collection of data) of all employee deductions, employer’s contributions, net salaries and taxes (PAYE) in compliance with statutory requirements;
  • Payment Management: Generation and distribution of payslips in pdf format, preparation of payment orders, distribution of payments to employees and local authorities;
  • Statutory reporting: Payroll-related statutory reporting and filing to local authorities in Cyprus;
  • Personal income tax (IR1): Preparation and submission of personal income tax returns; and,
  • Management reporting: Detailed summary of gross/net salaries and deductions/contributions per employee, payments made to employees and local authorities and any other specific report your company/organization may need.

Audit & Assurance

Usually associated with financial audits, an audit is the process of examining and evaluating the financial statements of a legal entity in order to determine whether the financial statements truly and accurately reflect the transactions occurred during the year and the economic health of the entity.

Assurance, which is very similar to audit, is a professional service that aims to improve the accuracy, transparency and reliability of an entity’s financial statements. Assurance services are usually done by licensed statutory auditors. Technically, an audit could be seen as a type of assurance.

Secqoia, through its CPT (duly licensed statutory auditors), fully covers your interim and/or annual statutory audit needs for both local (Cyprus) and international companies in compliance with International Auditing and Assurance Standards.

Taxation & VAT/VIES

Our team of specialized associates can fully handle the preparation and submission of tax returns for both legal entities and individuals, the preparation and filing of quarterly VAT/VIES returns and relevant refund requests. Further, we provide assistance in VAT investigations.

International Tax Planning 

 Tax planning is the analysis of a financial situation or plan to ensure that all elements work together in order to allow you to pay the lowest taxes possible. A plan that minimizes how much you pay in taxes is referred to as tax efficient.

It is of immense importance to receive tax planning advice which is clear, comprehensive and cost-effective. Secqoia and its CPT have the expertise to provide you with a proactive approach to taxes, thus avoiding problems and minimizing your tax burden.

Despite the fact that our pricing is, most probably, the best in the industry, we are committed to provide you with a beneficial counteroffer in case you receive a better offer from any other firm.

To receive more information on our accounting, audit and tax related services please feel free to contact us.